Wednesday, October 23, 2013

by Roberto Lavidez

the poet contemplating
the maelstrom of change
launches into a recitation
of grievances
clenches his fist in a rage
with pressing desire
to be in the middle
of things
leading discussions
of grammatical and
allegorical exegesis
the ideas and ideals
that are forbidden
with intent on
politicking any situation
lambasting tragic
tradition of subservience
and obscurantism
attacking the system
that made beasts of men
praising a few heroes
who told the truth
and risked their lives
those who tried to
preserve their dignity
who were crushed
and thrown away
he somehow sees the
profound aspects
of human nature
despite the fact
the entire historical
experience is literally
crying out about the
inevitability of conflict
and hopelessness
in constant danger
he writes from a
sense of adventure
interfering with
divine purpose and
prophesies of the
so called enlightened
his consciousness is
mired by conflicting strains
of schizophrenic revolt
capable of multiplicities
of meaning he embodies
secret societies manipulating
the intellectual
and political life
of theworld
penetrating the untamed
and virtually unexplored

for now his mind is
a  B  L  A  N  K
as uninked paper
still muttering
“By God, I’ll show them.”


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