Friday, November 30, 2012

wombrain conception

by Roberto Lavidez

a man must gently
whisper ancient
stories of ancestors
into the woman’s ear
his words will spiral
around her womb
where they form
celestial germ
of water
that receives
a man’s seed

this is what
Dogon of
West Africa

birth and death
follow upon
one another in
an eternal cycle
child who enters
the womb
is not new life
but life

this is what
the Ainu
in Japan

ancient earth mother
created all spirit babies
who were ever to be
born in the world
and placed them
at sacred sites
near streams
caves and
gum trees
spirit children
wait to enter
a woman who
passes by

this is what

spirit babies choose
their womb homes
very carefully
spirit baby curls up
in different wombs
to see which ones
fit it perfectly

this is what
Tapirape Indians
of Brazil

in spirit

as modern
tribes who
in the afterlife
send fetuses
in the care of
nanny angels


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Little Boy

By Roberto Lavidez

it was a beautiful day
Kiyoshi went out to play
mom was gardening
dad was reading

in the sky a plane flew
down below nobody knew
the little boy was dropped
Kiyoshi waved and hopped

a flash cut across the blue sky
the light blinded mom’s eyes
a beam hit dad on the head
Kiyoshi fell under the shed

it was 8:15 a.m.
the city was in flames
as the day grew darker
bodies filled the river

allied countries cheered
Emperor of the sun grieved
Hiroshima buried its dead
while the pilot snored in bed.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cuban Salsa

By Roberto Lavidez

the rhythm of a mulatta
the sound of salsa
the blend of rumba
and cha-cha
excites Havana

mojitos exorcised Papa
rum, sugar, seltzer
poured into
his novella
leafing through
mintlike hierba buena

fou-fou and
mashed malanga
a staple to the guerrilla
very filling
the raw beauty of
Sierra Maestra

Commandante’s  brand
is Cohiba
sweet and tough
was Celia
who smoked Winstons
courtesy of the CIA
smokescreening Cuba

as Cuban as salsa
never dull is
Fidel’s politica

despite the blockade
by imperialist America
novella o historia
favors the intoxicating
and gyrating Cuba


Monday, November 26, 2012

JFK’s Face

By Roberto Lavidez

70 million people
in 10 minutes
I can’t adjust to that.
It doesn’t matter about us.
We’ve had a good life.
We bring these things
on ourselves.
But 70 million people
in 10 minutes.
I can’t adjust to that.
The thought of women
and children
in a nuclear exchange.
I can’t adjust to that.
Tears ran down
the president’s cheeks.
Nukes run down
the face of the earth.
Bobby has never 
seen JFK's face
like this.


Friday, November 23, 2012

(in a sentence)

By Roberto Lavidez

Civilians protesting
against human rights
violations by despotic
regimes are deliberately
silenced by security forces
to instill fear amongst
dissidents who are seen
as threats to national
security which is
all about fear of losing
security of positions
in the government
reacting in drastic
measures such as
extra judicial executions
of those who on several
occasions disappear
after inquiring about
others who have
already disappeared
only proving the
disparity between what
the government says
about human rights
and the wrongs they do
showing virtual collapse
of state authority and
increasing volatile
human rights situations
urgently calling for
political awareness
and involvement in
mass action to help
protect the lives of men
and women who have
committed themselves
in one way or another
to defending human rights
and ending unfair trials
torture and sentencing
fellow life savers
to death.   


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

cry baby cry

by Roberto Lavidez

cry baby, cry
free market
roller coaster ride
goes awry

collapsing deck of credit cards
balancing act bungled by mascots
fannie mae is not funny
freddie mac cannot juggle
clowns hanging by the golden thread
of invisible balloon
acrobats jump without safety net
wizards vanish without trace
crowds scramble for shreds
of carnival tickets

cry baby, cry
free market
roller coaster ride
goes awry

no more special rates,
freebees, gimmicks
gambling goes bust
mug shots of long faces
plastics, backpacks, broken bottles
join the wasted migrant worker
at the amusement park
among pellet ridden pigeons

milk bags filled by
mother’s frustrating toil
labor strike
tempers boil
bargaining table stinks
of soiled pampers

public squares
whining at corporate sharks
barking at ceo jerks
fattened with perks
who coddle bonds
massage swiss
and fondle exotic assets
giving birth to
domestic poverty

cry baby, cry
free market
roller coaster ride
goes awry

financial meltdown
nervous breakdown
neo-liberal fears
great, greater, greatest

the unemployed
soaked in alcohol
igniting fire
to self immolation

trickle down economy
of toxic imports
and expired goods
what’s left on the table
for the working poor?
a plate of promises
from quack politicos
a bowl of threats
from gang of creditors
and thug collectors
a cup of suffering and petition
from pastor in pimp suit

cry baby, cry
free market
roller coaster ride
goes awry

owner-ship is sinking fast
everyone’s at risk of losing
a car, a house, a spouse
finding fault in breadwinner’s
low wage
defaulting on mortgage
pension sabotaging old age
same horse shit goes
white collar crimes
blacklisting blacks
scapegoating boat people
racializing asians
profiling muslims, jews
and any group they choose
ghettoizing the wise
marginalizing aboriginals
demonizing those who
are different and nice
silencing those who speak
pepper spraying those who see
truncheoning those who listen
taser gunning those who stand up
arresting those who resist
torturing to pacify
killing to save
the lifestyle of those
who make a killing in
mining, drilling
to excess
extracting riches out of
third world resources
colonialists, imperialists,
hyenas and jackals
in pursuit of g.o.d.
g for gold
o for oil
d for diamond
while the expendable
lying at the bottom
of dante’s excavation
cry out to commandante che
for chevolutionary justice
to the wall!  to the wall!  to the wall!

cry baby, cry
free market
roller coaster
ride goes awry

global village is under siege
global pillagers
illuminati of conspiracies
make you see
what they want
you to see
nations are halluci-nations
cities are fantasies
states are states of mind
republics are cliques
with identical state of mind
and shared hallucinations

to think otherwise
is heresy to bureaucracies
crazies that rule democracies
are out to rein sovereignties
for a one world state of mind
debraining citizens
governing mentality of every
consuming desire

cry baby, cry
free market
roller coaster ride
goes awry

lords of poverty
gene-ruse with charity
prophets of development
masters of disaster
they send troops
if tsunamis are unavailable
to create havoc

destruction for reconstruction
a carousel of employment,
unemployment, deployment
turning coeds in debt
into patriots risking death

the ministry of peace
holds the key to war
the ministry of love
the secret to hate
orwellian 1984
is here to stay
informing all in uniform
that 2 plus 2 equals
4th of july
that it is safe
to conform
‘til the comets fall
to not think of any
other thrill
outside the roller coaster ride
to not fear the impending doom
and sit tight for the next boom

everything for profit
for one stop shopping
commodifying identities
wholesaling immigration
retailing citizenship
marketing refugees
to paint a human face
on social irresponsibility
devaluation of human dignity
down spiraling morality
breaking away from disaster
helluva doomed ride

cry baby, cry hunger and deprivation
cry baby, cry discrimination and exploitation
cry baby, cry racism and sexism
cry baby, cry torture and violence
cry baby, cry graft and corruption
cry baby, cry suppression and oppression

cry, cry, cry baby, cry
free market
roller coaster ride
goes awry



Monday, November 19, 2012

Neruda Mix

By Roberto Lavidez

While browsing Vijay Prashad’s book “The Darker Nations,” A People’s History of the Third World, I chanced upon the last page of ‘La Paz’ chapter which is page 150 and the first page of ‘Bali’ chapter which is page 151, each page containing a Neruda poem.  A lyrical passage titled “Los Dictadores” (“The Dictators”) taken from Cantos General is printed on page 150.  Facing this page is the other Neruda poem ‘Recabarren’ (printed on p.151).  The fact that these poems appear as they did on Prashad’s book caught my eyes and invited me to mix Neruda in a concoction that I have never attempted before.  The contradiction of dictatorship (poem l) and the aggrieved communist (poem ll) urged me to play a little ‘blasphemy’ with Neruda’s words, alternating lines from each poem to see how far this process could stretch without losing much of the potency of each poem.   I began with a line from “Recabarren’ and chose to end the mix with the line from the same which is the shorter of the two poems. 

How much has happened since then,
An odor lingers among the sugarcane:
How much blood upon blood,
A mixture of blood and body, a penetrating
Nauseous petal.
How many struggles upon the earth.
Between the coconut palms the graves are filled
Hours of splendid conquest,
Of demolished bones, of smothered grasps.
Triumphs won drop by drop,
The delicate dictator talks
Bitter streets, defeated,
With wineglasses, collars, and gold braid.
Zones dark as tunnels,
The tiny palace shines like a wristwatch
Razor-edged betrayals
And smart-gloved laughter
That seemed to sever life,
Occasionally drifts across the corridors
Repressions armed with hatred,
To join the dead voices
Military crowned.
And freshly buried mouths.
The earth seemed to give way.
The sob is hidden like a plant
But the struggle goes on.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Brain Drain

By Roberto Lavidez

never a gain
never a gain
never a gain
a brain drain
of quixotic grain

mapping scenarios of dystopia
dragging headless corpses of Goya
back into the vault of memory
so as not to shame philistines
dumping sugary masterpieces
into silent auction of entropy

eyes melting in psychedelic incubus
black rain leaking from sheltered history
tracking diabolical miscalculation
Rwandan skulls
Darfurian bones
intersecting in skeletal universalism
unbridgeable internationalism

never a gain
never a gain
never a gain
a brain drain
of quixotic grain

desensitized by dissecting
cubist Guernica
in cold precision knife slashes
belly of totalitarian bull after
gorging mankind at the heart
of pictorial counter reality
by horns of statism
and socialist exoticism

degenerate art condemned
for its vulgarity of disposing entrails
on red carpet at regime pageantries
echoing cries at concentration camps
gatekeeper lashes out at intellectual
whose aim is to scandalize tyrannies
and declare moral bankruptcy for
catatonic society

never a gain
never a gain
never a gain
a brain drain
of quixotic grain

hegemonic institutions mutilate art
protestations to cover up its
modus of brainocide
decapitating truth from the
body of evidence
a way of manufacturing consensus
on behalf of all the living dead

local anesthesia spreading global amnesia
washing away historicity of civilizing missions
justifying injustices thru oral revisions and
blitz commissioned by monster corporations

never a gain
never a gain
never a gain
a brain drain
of quixotic grain

devouring nation states of mind
humpty dumpty linguistic humanism
staging Dionysian pacification
thru slavery, terror and genocide
attacking hemispheres of sovereignty
colonizing spineless craniums into
mutating subservience

in the onslaught of ideologies
thoughts could either shatter the shell
of pseudo reality or it could disintegrate
into pastiche mindscape of surreality
a brain drain of quixotic grain


Friday, November 16, 2012

November Chill
By Roberto Lavidez

Osip was arrested last night.
What was he arrested for?
What do you mean, what for?
He was arrested for nothing!
What do you mean, nothing?
You cannot be arrested for nothing.
He talks too much.
I knew he was going to get in trouble
for talking too much.
He must be a terrible man.
Osip, a terrible man?    
They arrested the man, right? 
He cannot be arrested for nothing.
He must have been arrested
for saying terrible things.
Like I said, he talks too much.
But he’s a poet.
They arrested him for being
a poet. 
He must have offended god.
What terrible things he must
have said. 

“His fingers are fat as grubs
And the words, final as lead weights,
   fall from his lips,
His cockroach whiskers leer
And his boot tops gleam.
Around him a rabble of thin-necked
    leaders –
Fawning half-men for him to play with…”

Excerpt from Osip Mandelstam’s poem on Stalin (November 1933)

I knew he was going to get in trouble
for talking too much.
You know what surprises me?
If Stalin actually read his poem.
He must have.  It was about him.
Osip got his attention alright. 
What a terrible thing to
get arrested. 
A poet.   


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Merging two stanzas from poems extracted from the collection of Poetry of the Spanish Civil War by Marilyn Rosenthal is an exercise that reflects the various ways of playing the webstruction game. 

A stanza from Stephen Spender’s “To A Spanish Poet”
Your heart looks through the breaking ribs –
Oiled axle through revolving spokes,
Unbroken blood of the swift wheel,
You stare through centrifugal bones
Of the revolving and dissolving world.

is intertwined with a stanza from Paul Eluard’s “The Victory of Guernica,”
They said to desire good intelligence
They rationed the strong judged the fools
Gave charity split a halfpenny in two
They greeted the cadavers
They overburdened themselves with politeness

alternating lines from each poem. 

The stanzas were taken randomly from the book and the result of merging the two is a webstructionized ‘grafted’ stanza using the above combination:

They said to desire good intelligence
Your heart looks through the breaking ribs –
They rationed the strong judged the fools
Oiled axle through revolving spokes,
Gave charity split a halfpenny in two
Unbroken blood of the swift wheel,
They greeted the cadavers
You stare through centrifugal bones
They overburdened themselves with politeness
Of the revolving and dissolving world.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

what you see

By Roberto Lavidez

what you see
is what you think
you see

color of democracy
an illusion of harmony

color of man
is freedom

palette of justice
mixes oil and water
to paint dreams
of equality

to fool the eye
to trick the mind

mixing yellow and blue
makes you see green
hygienic, organic
the cleansing army

mixing red and white
makes you see pink
cure for cancer
teen pornography

color coding life, death,
sex, violence

ocean is blue
color of peace
infested with sharks

blood is red
color of love
tainted with poison

light is white
color of purity
emitted with bombs

red, blue, white
could be anything
or nothing

what you see
is what you think
you see

justice, freedom, equality
an illusion
or delusion
of harmony

you see
