Saturday, November 17, 2012

Brain Drain

By Roberto Lavidez

never a gain
never a gain
never a gain
a brain drain
of quixotic grain

mapping scenarios of dystopia
dragging headless corpses of Goya
back into the vault of memory
so as not to shame philistines
dumping sugary masterpieces
into silent auction of entropy

eyes melting in psychedelic incubus
black rain leaking from sheltered history
tracking diabolical miscalculation
Rwandan skulls
Darfurian bones
intersecting in skeletal universalism
unbridgeable internationalism

never a gain
never a gain
never a gain
a brain drain
of quixotic grain

desensitized by dissecting
cubist Guernica
in cold precision knife slashes
belly of totalitarian bull after
gorging mankind at the heart
of pictorial counter reality
by horns of statism
and socialist exoticism

degenerate art condemned
for its vulgarity of disposing entrails
on red carpet at regime pageantries
echoing cries at concentration camps
gatekeeper lashes out at intellectual
whose aim is to scandalize tyrannies
and declare moral bankruptcy for
catatonic society

never a gain
never a gain
never a gain
a brain drain
of quixotic grain

hegemonic institutions mutilate art
protestations to cover up its
modus of brainocide
decapitating truth from the
body of evidence
a way of manufacturing consensus
on behalf of all the living dead

local anesthesia spreading global amnesia
washing away historicity of civilizing missions
justifying injustices thru oral revisions and
blitz commissioned by monster corporations

never a gain
never a gain
never a gain
a brain drain
of quixotic grain

devouring nation states of mind
humpty dumpty linguistic humanism
staging Dionysian pacification
thru slavery, terror and genocide
attacking hemispheres of sovereignty
colonizing spineless craniums into
mutating subservience

in the onslaught of ideologies
thoughts could either shatter the shell
of pseudo reality or it could disintegrate
into pastiche mindscape of surreality
a brain drain of quixotic grain


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