Tuesday, November 20, 2012

cry baby cry

by Roberto Lavidez

cry baby, cry
free market
roller coaster ride
goes awry

collapsing deck of credit cards
balancing act bungled by mascots
fannie mae is not funny
freddie mac cannot juggle
clowns hanging by the golden thread
of invisible balloon
acrobats jump without safety net
wizards vanish without trace
crowds scramble for shreds
of carnival tickets

cry baby, cry
free market
roller coaster ride
goes awry

no more special rates,
freebees, gimmicks
gambling goes bust
mug shots of long faces
plastics, backpacks, broken bottles
join the wasted migrant worker
at the amusement park
among pellet ridden pigeons

milk bags filled by
mother’s frustrating toil
labor strike
tempers boil
bargaining table stinks
of soiled pampers

public squares
whining at corporate sharks
barking at ceo jerks
fattened with perks
who coddle bonds
massage swiss
and fondle exotic assets
giving birth to
domestic poverty

cry baby, cry
free market
roller coaster ride
goes awry

financial meltdown
nervous breakdown
neo-liberal fears
great, greater, greatest

the unemployed
soaked in alcohol
igniting fire
to self immolation

trickle down economy
of toxic imports
and expired goods
what’s left on the table
for the working poor?
a plate of promises
from quack politicos
a bowl of threats
from gang of creditors
and thug collectors
a cup of suffering and petition
from pastor in pimp suit

cry baby, cry
free market
roller coaster ride
goes awry

owner-ship is sinking fast
everyone’s at risk of losing
a car, a house, a spouse
finding fault in breadwinner’s
low wage
defaulting on mortgage
pension sabotaging old age
same horse shit goes
white collar crimes
blacklisting blacks
scapegoating boat people
racializing asians
profiling muslims, jews
and any group they choose
ghettoizing the wise
marginalizing aboriginals
demonizing those who
are different and nice
silencing those who speak
pepper spraying those who see
truncheoning those who listen
taser gunning those who stand up
arresting those who resist
torturing to pacify
killing to save
the lifestyle of those
who make a killing in
mining, drilling
to excess
extracting riches out of
third world resources
colonialists, imperialists,
hyenas and jackals
in pursuit of g.o.d.
g for gold
o for oil
d for diamond
while the expendable
lying at the bottom
of dante’s excavation
cry out to commandante che
for chevolutionary justice
to the wall!  to the wall!  to the wall!

cry baby, cry
free market
roller coaster
ride goes awry

global village is under siege
global pillagers
illuminati of conspiracies
make you see
what they want
you to see
nations are halluci-nations
cities are fantasies
states are states of mind
republics are cliques
with identical state of mind
and shared hallucinations

to think otherwise
is heresy to bureaucracies
crazies that rule democracies
are out to rein sovereignties
for a one world state of mind
debraining citizens
governing mentality of every
consuming desire

cry baby, cry
free market
roller coaster ride
goes awry

lords of poverty
gene-ruse with charity
prophets of development
masters of disaster
they send troops
if tsunamis are unavailable
to create havoc

destruction for reconstruction
a carousel of employment,
unemployment, deployment
turning coeds in debt
into patriots risking death

the ministry of peace
holds the key to war
the ministry of love
the secret to hate
orwellian 1984
is here to stay
informing all in uniform
that 2 plus 2 equals
4th of july
that it is safe
to conform
‘til the comets fall
to not think of any
other thrill
outside the roller coaster ride
to not fear the impending doom
and sit tight for the next boom

everything for profit
for one stop shopping
commodifying identities
wholesaling immigration
retailing citizenship
marketing refugees
to paint a human face
on social irresponsibility
devaluation of human dignity
down spiraling morality
breaking away from disaster
helluva doomed ride

cry baby, cry hunger and deprivation
cry baby, cry discrimination and exploitation
cry baby, cry racism and sexism
cry baby, cry torture and violence
cry baby, cry graft and corruption
cry baby, cry suppression and oppression

cry, cry, cry baby, cry
free market
roller coaster ride
goes awry



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