Tuesday, April 16, 2013

silence is all
the stranger

by Roberto Lavidez

a vengeful deity
in often heavy
handed attempts
to stifle dissent
used to sweep 
the earth clean 
with an overwhelming
flood wreaking
intolerable violence
upon civilians
confronting its 
egregious absurdities
often stumbling
in the murk of
life’s complexities
and the unexplored
in the arid semantics
and spooky conundrums
of ancient relics of
immense spiritual power
constantly searching
for absolute certainty
stretched into a
distant past that
the mind of man
cannot comprehend
its remoteness
a sort of tremendous
anagram challenge
to a persistent ghost
summoning intimations
of a profound and long
forgotten secret
a misfortune to be
faced with serenity
by intermediaries
between gods and men
disturbed by the faint
but haunting echoes
of our dreams
in the hope 
that there might be 
something of interest 
beneath the rubble


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