Sunday, April 07, 2013


By Roberto Lavidez

there is not 
room enough
in the world
to find a lawn 
on which to play
a tree under
which to rest
what remains is
a quaint medley
of insight into  
human travail
an aura of dread
surrounds civilization
built upon cheap
and degraded
human beings
unlike anything
the world had
previously witnessed
it sees atrocity as
a necessary tragedy
delving into the
dark labyrinth
expression of
mixed fear
and cowardice
serenity in the
presence of
inescapable evil
the dialogue
offered was
merely a ploy
to buy time
struggling to
break through
all kinds of barriers
sympathetic to
the vigorous
new patterns
of thought
a vain and anxious
effort to possess
things forever
which render
passion innocent
could least
tolerate the
of individuality
and cultivation of
by criminologists
who argued that
anarchism is a
contagious disease
of the brain


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