Thursday, January 31, 2013

witnessing some

by Roberto Lavidez

some are in prison
some run
to another country
some are still roaming
the streets with blood
in their hands
some of them are
rewarded with 
petty spoils for
each head
some local authorities
profited from 
seizing slain people’s
land and possessions
some are hiding weapons
some new recruits
are being trained
some regimes 
are unlikely
to stop atrocities
some policies 
are aimed at the 
systematic destruction
of a people
some militias engage
in pure criminal activities
some rebels 
fabricate things
some revolution 
is simply replacing 
one type of
oppressive regime
with another
some revolutionaries
mimic the abuses 
against which 
they rebelled
some aid workers 
and church leaders 
are accused
of complicity in some
state-sponsored terror
some neighbors
slaughtered their neighbors
some colleagues 
bludgeoned their colleagues
some doctors poisoned 
their patients
some schoolteachers
maimed their students
some priests burned 
their parishioners
some fathers stabbed their
wives and children
some witnesses survived
to identify their attackers
at the trial
some mass murderers are
acquitted and released  
some survivors
will remember
some will forget
some will deny
it ever happened


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