Monday, January 28, 2013

disaster voyeur

by Roberto Lavidez

disorder and despair for
the irreparably destitute
cannot be concisely
condensed into a nutshell
unattainable bread
peace and land
challenge the validity of
the most venerable realities
scorning the unfettered
freedom to think and
dimming the lights of
the enlightenment
to throw oneself
intelligently into the
complexity of materiality
combing out all the
knots and conundrums
if shot through with
contradictory urges
and rationalizations
and a culpable lack
of empathy for the poor
would be treading on 
an endless series 
of pot holes and
deep corrugations
charting a place kept
in the dark until the
bulldozers move in
to carve out a 
vast receptacle
of wretchedness
thieves and cheats
have all been among
bedfellows of disaster
groupies and peeping
toms of calamities
sycophants massaging
destitution of the land
after long years of
colonial rule
racing toward
superfluous riches
under hardened feet
the regime reaches
the masses with
white elephants
and costly delusions
beyond remedy
the unmetaphorizable
bondage of the victims
and the grief of the
vanquished appealing
to the lowest instincts
to purge existing
institutions of its
most flagrant inner
while keeping 
a watchful eye on
its own blindness


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