Thursday, June 13, 2013

exhumed unreadables

by Roberto Lavidez

life is fundamentally
absurd through
the eyes of a
worldly expatriate
led into a thick
morass of vanity
or intimations
of mortality
through a fog
of approximate
omnipresent sun
plays out its
fateful role
emerging from
the desert starving
and dehydrated
exposing a requisite
number of images
suddenly vanish
for no apparent
indecently exhumed
filled with the
disgruntled progeny
of defeated peoples
bringing new facts
to an old case that
would have grown
and thrived
in the darkness
turning reason into
a weapon
to decipher the
encrypted messages
embodying the
ineffectual fantastic
wish for justice
and retribution
from a steady
current of moral
concern and
political insight
become slaves
to a vision of
human life
we live in growing
fear that we shall
forget the past
born on a land
without ancestors
and without
memory but
a nightmarish
world of heat
violence and horror
might have been
looking for
a candy store
but finding
dynamite instead
in a match factory


Friday, June 07, 2013

on the fringes

by Roberto Lavidez

an exotic aura
of mystery
nihilists with
aversion to
well endowed
with heartless
a harbinger
of social implosion
and collapse
addicts of ideology
on the fringes of
seeing beauty
in instruments
of death
fascinated with
weapon invention
the last vestiges
of plausibility
insensitive towards
human suffering
the inevitable life
and death struggle
evading the various
searching for
words with more
eloquent sarcasm
to counter any
twinges of conscience
and then they
sing mournful
songs expressing
the bitterness
of their heart


Monday, June 03, 2013

obliteRated x

by Roberto Lavidez

trial of strength
and clash of wills
the price to pay
is too high
for the meaningless
drama on the stage
of history
infused by
the metaphors
of war
in the overall
of humanity
governed by
the trinity
of people
state and army
a political tower
of Babel
reaches triggering
everything human
seems suddenly
in a scream
like living inside a
vacuum from which
the air is being
pumped out
by empty talk
of anxious souls
between sunup and
dreamers filled
with naïve
amidst worldwide
collapse of
nihilists disseminate
the gospel of destruction
with an insatiable desire
for the rawest and most
brutish pleasure
bearing the brunt
of satire and ridicule
endeavoring to break
the linkage with
conventional paradigm
of man’s ignorance
of the possible
